May Marks the Start of the Season

First Groups of 2019 have a ball!

Having commenced business in 2018 by assisting clients who were let down by another operator, 2019 marks the start of our first full operational year…. and what a way to start the year. In early May, we had the absolute pleasure of guiding a group of twenty guys on a Scottish Golf tour. Visits to Western Gailes, Turnberry, Royal Troon, Carnoustie, Kingsbarns and St Andrews while staying in luxury accommodation takes some beating. It’s our job to ensure people have a wonderful time when they visit these shores but if we’re honest the make-up of this group ensured that this was never going to be anything but a spectacular trip. The group leader gave us very clear instructions as to what was required which ensured everything went without a hitch. You can read how the guys got on by visiting our Trip Advisor Page here.

Our first two Irish groups arrived in the second and third week of May and both groups enjoyed superb weather for their visits to some of South West Ireland’s famed destinations. The warm spring has ensured Golf Courses are in superb condition which bodes very well for our guests throughout the summer. 

Before moving on to a review of all things Irish Golf I would like to acknowledge our exceptional partners, the golf courses, hotels and restaurants who assist us put such good packages together. Without their help, we could not help clients build such wonderful memories.

Irish Golf Season in full swing

It's proven to be a very strange task reporting on one's own success and failure. Client's have advised the would very much like an update on your's truly's performances at Irish Amateur Championships. This somewhat feels like blowing my own trumpet, but then again those that know will say this is something I am very good at! Whether I'm good at it or not it feels very strange. All joking aside, it does give me the opportunity to report on the courses visited and the joys of playing some of Ireland's great championship courses. 

First up was the Munster Strokeplay Championship in Cork Golf Club the first weekend in May. Little Island as it is affectionately known by Irish Golfers is a Dr Alaister Mackenzie design and while this observer has never played at Augusta, let's just say the slopes on the greens are not unique to Augusta. While not so quick as their famous counterparts in Georgia, the greens in Little Island were magnificent. Indeed I have yet to visit there but to find the course in superb condition. I've had a love-hate relationship with this venue down through the years and blown many an opportunity to win there but thankfully after making every effort to lose this years event, I managed to scramble over the line after a two-hole playoff. 

While the trip to Cork provided a trip down memory lane in terms of victory, normal service was resumed in Baltray, County Louth where a collapse to a second round of 80 in very windy conditions resulted in a missing the cut by one shot at The East of Ireland. The event was won by South African Martin Vorster closing with a pair of 67s to win this prestigious event. Baltray showed all its colours over the 72 holes with 47 players shooting under par in benign conditions in round one before baring its teeth in round two. The winds abated somewhat for the final two rounds giving guys the opportunity to produce some birdies. 

As always, competing at these championships affords an opportunity to meet old friends and visit old haunts. While my performances are on the wane, with the odd exception, the friendships and welcome built over decades at these great venues never fail to disappoint. Hats off to all at County Louth and Cork Golf Club.

Until later this month, kindly yours,


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