St Andrews Sprint Additional Information

The Home of Golf
The Home of Golf

St Andrews Sprint - Additional Information

At this time, we are sure you are all getting excited about your upcoming trip to the Home of Golf. The St. Andrews Sprint Tee-times will be published on Friday February 17. Before we publich tee-times, we would like to confirm peoples travel arrangements to and from St Andrews. While the majority of competitors have suggested they will avail of the free shuttles to and from Edinburgh Airport, some have indicated they will be using alternative means of transport to get to and from St Andrews.

We would be very grateful if you can alert us to your travel plans and also your caddie requirements (typically £65 per round + tip) so we can ensure you have a great trip. Please also feel free to supply any other information which may assist us in planning the event.

I look forward to seeing you all at The Home of Golf

Founder, Joe Lyons